Heating Ventillation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
The HVAC system for round the clock air conditioning of 12 guest houses and a few rooms including EPABX mezannine floor of the plant room in the car parking basement. The approximate heat load of all the guest houses including a few rooms of the mezannine floor in the plant room is 1360 R.Tons. There are 2 water chilling machines of 750 T. each out of which one is centrifugal water chilling machine utility-TRANE make, Model CVGB-80, FREON-12, automatic micro processor controlled inlet guide with TRANE/Ref.cooled sq.cage, 553 KW, 2900 RPM, ATS controlled sq cage induction motor. The other one is the Vapour Absorption Machine Thermax make, double effect/F-212 suitable for working on steam pressure at 9.0 Kg.Sq.cm. with necessary condenser, Evaporater, Absorber, Solution pump and refrigerant pump etc during peak hours (may be for a few days) both the Machines shall run therwise normally only one machine should suffice.
Since, the electric consumption in case of VAM is much less than the centrifugal chilling Machine, the VAM shall perferably run.
The design condirions to be maintained in the guest houses are as under:-
Summer Monsoon – 24 º C ± 1.1 º C with RH 40 % to 60 %.
Winter Monsoon – 21.1 º C ± 1.1 º C with RH 40 % to 60 %.
Each guest room in the guest house has been provided with fan coil units of capacity varying from 1 Ton to 2 Tons depending upon the size of the room. The fresh Air is added by means of Treated Fresh Air, AHU installed on Terrace.”
3 Nos. Horizontal Fire tube type, Sterling Strips Ltd. make, each having 3 burners, boilers having a capacity of generating 2000 Kg. Steam per hour at a pressure of 10.54 kg. / sq. cm with a fuel (LDO) consumption 128 Kg. / hr. have been installed. out of three boiler one boiler act as a standby. The purpose of boiler is to supply steam at a specific pressure i.e. 9.5 Kg. per sq.cm to the Vapour Absorption Machine meant for chilling the water used for central air conditioning of Guest
Houses and a few rooms at meznnine floor in the plant room. The boiler also feeds steam to one caloryfire installed in each Guest House to provide heat during winter. The steam is fed also to the heat exchanger to provide hot water system to the toilets for various rooms in each Guest House. The condensed steam from the VAM and caloryfire / heat exchanger returns to the boiler through hot water tank. Treated water of almost zero ppm hardness is supplied to the boiler.
The requirement of such water is about 20,000 Litres per day, if both the boiler work on full capapcity the raw water is treated by means of water softening plants installed in the main pump house to bring down the hardness to about 50 ppm and this water of 50 ppm is further passed through a polisher to bring down hardness to zero ppm. The fuel used for the boiler is light diesel oil (LDO) which is stored in underground 2 Nos. storage tank of 86 KL each installed outside in the oil storage yard near gate No. 1.
Two Scrubbers, first time of its kind indelhi,model BR05-04 stage, BATLIBOI make of capacity 3600 Nm3 at 250 degree celcius gas inlet and gas outlet volume 4780 Nm2/hour at 52 Degree celcius each, have been installed at first floor of minar (101 Mtr Level).The flue gases of Boiler are passedthroughthe scrubber to keep the air pollution within the paermissible limits. The gas scrubber mainly consists of 4 Nos impreingement plates,spray headers and eliminators all of stainless steel 316, with necessary recirculatingpumps,prequench spray pump,centrifugal fans with necessary electrical panel and controls.at the time of peak load both the scrubber shall work otherwise one shall suffice.Important datas of the scrubber are as under.
• Liqour NAOH (sodium hydroxide).
• Liqour Flow-16.2 M3/hr.
• Make up water-1.15M3/hr.
• Dia of chimmney(inside)-921mm(SS-316,FRP lined).
• Thickness-6mm+3mm FRP lining.
Five Nos. Tubewells have been installed in the campus each suitable to deliver 450 LPM of water and connected to the interconnected two fire water tanks 225 KL each. The over flown water from fire water tank is collected into the interconnected raw water tanks (of 725 KL). There are two interconnected treated water tanks of 600 KL and 1000 KL capapcity. The each MCD connection of 65 mm is also taken to the treated water tank. The Hydropneumatic System of garden water pumps feed the raw water to the garden through garden hydrants and sprinklers. The raw water is softened through two nos. Ion exchange water softening plant of 1.17 lacs LPH capapcity and 2 nos. pressure filters of 58.500 LPH capacity each. The hardness can be brought down from 500 PPM to say 50 PPM. One more softener plant (Polisher) of 24120 LPH capapcity has been installed to bring down the hardness to zero ppm for boiler.
There is a swimming pool of size 30.00 M x 7.0 m average of height of about 1.50 M located in B3 Guest House for the use of all occupants of all the Guest Houses at Hudco Place. The swimming pool has been provided with the facility of Sauna Bath, health room etc. The equipment for swimming pool, water filteration and recirculation have been installed in a room nearby.
• Raw water pumps – 2 Nos. of 425 LPM 5 HP each
• Alum Dozer – 35 Litres.
• Soda Ash Dozer – 35 Litres
• Pressure sand filter with filter media comprising of Gravel of different size in 4 litres and lowest layer of sand – 1 No.
Ventilation system compries of 13 blowers (11 x 10 HP+ 2x 15 HP) have been installed for extracting the smoke from car parking to the atmosphere through vertical ducts in the shafts by the side of ventilation blower rooms. Smoke emanating from the vehicles is succeed through vertical MS cylindrical colums connected to the masonry horizonal ducts in the lower basement upto various blower rooms.